Monday, August 31, 2009


So, Twilight OST/Lainey posted these pics of the Florida Renee visit scene in Eclipse, and it shows off Bella's wig in all it's horror. This fiasco is reminisent of the Jacob Twilight wig crisis of '08. (Marginally improved for New Moon in '09.)

Check out David, in the hat, directing Kristen and Sarah Chalke.

I bet Kristen is kicking herself for chopping all her locks off to embody the role of Joan Jett in The Runaways, the film she shot during the short break between New Moon and Eclipse. Beside the fact that the hairline is all wrong, that rug must be itchy as hell. I wouldn't be able to take myself seriously with that thing on. Guess that's why she's the actor and I'm the blogger...

BUT let's not lose sight of what's really important here. More Eclipse shooting means one step closer to June 30, 2010 when the Newborn Army attacks!!!

BC Out!

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