Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I LOVE EW (and Joe Lynch!)

If you saw Jennifer's Body as I vehemently urged last weekend, you've been singing 'Through the Trees' in the shower ever since. I apologize if that's just me (but I'm willing to bet it's not), but I've been going crazy trying to get the scoop on Low Shoulder, the demonically homicidal band in the movie. The search was proving fruitless, so I turned to my Bible for guidance...EW. Sure enough, they (well, Joe Lynch) answered my plead within one hour! Love them!

So, the skinny is that "Low Shoulder" is actually a California band called Test Your Reflex . I'm pretty sure they were Adam Brody's "agents of Satan, with really awesome haircuts" in Body. They have one album called 'The Burning Hour'.

Sway to the anthem and allow yourself to forget the scene where they slice Megan Fox into gushy pieces.

All praise EW (and Joe Lynch)!
BC Out!

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