Monday, September 21, 2009

I Felt Guilty- more photos

Okay, so, it just felt wrong to not post all the New Moon BTS photos. Here's the rest- I felt guilty withholding.

Two Bellas?!!? How could I not share this?

It must've been wicked cold in that warehouse or wherever they are cuz everyone is bundled to the max. Look at that crew guy's hat.

Aw, look at those topaz eyes...

He looks "bothered." HAHA

Ooo, kinda creepy there.

The hotness of Jake (sorry Taylor) in the ET forest again.

I love this one. Silhouette is so pretty.

Again, here you go- round three. :)

Uh oh, bad dreams on there way...

Recognize the robe? The wolf pack had them on in the last round of BTS pics. Guess it's set standard OR Bella's shackin' up with the pack. HAHA

Weird seeing Chris as director. I started to get used to David.

Aw, Rob must be thinking of me in this one.

I have a feeling these dreams are gonna be eerie.

And scene.

BC Out!

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