Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Anya Marina talks about Bella's & Edward's drama

Anya Marina: What It’s Like To Get That Call By Twilight_News

Anya Marina tells Chop Shop what it’s like to realize you’re being considered for and then getting on the New Moon soundtrack. Anya’s ‘Satellite Heart.’ debuted earlier this week exclusively through MySpace, and you can listen to it at It’s currently available on ITunes when you preorder the soundtrack.

“…I heard all sorts of my favorite bands were being considered for the soundtrack (Thom Yorke, Death Cab, Grizzly Bear, etc). In fact, on the day of my own private screening, as I walked in, The Killers were making their way out.

Suffice it to say, the movie was great and I got really inspired to adapt a new song I’d been working on to suit Bella and Edward and their whole drama. I got together with my friend, producer [and mixer on Slow & Steady...] Ken Andrews, and we recorded a pretty mean version of a new song called “Satellite Heart.””
Get the rest on
Chopshop Via TA

So, every band featured on the soundtrack has seen New Moon...? WHAT?!?! This is me oozing with jealousy- but simultaneously giddy cuz that means it's dooonnneee!!!

BC Out!

Another Transmission from Mars

Another transmission from (30 Seconds to) Mars via Jared and his crazy eye in this vid. I can literally see the cogs turning in that pretty head of his.

BC Out!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Official NM Promo Posters

Official New Moon Promo Posters Are Here!!!

Bc Out!

New Moon Merch Recap #2

Available October 1st!

With this line of New Moon "inspired clothing" , Hot Topic seems to have jumped the Twark (TWI shark). The $78 hoodie is just silly. I do love that b-day dress though- even if it's not in the book. (Halloween costume, what?) The only thing here I'll be partaking in is the 3 charm necklace. How about you guys? Gonna steal $100 from mom for that dress??? Click here for bigger images.

If it's not broke don't fix it, right? New Moon conversation hearts have arrived at FYE. I'm still finishing my Twilight that gross?

BC Out!

Monday, September 28, 2009

2nd single off New Moon OST- so much better than 'Equinox'

I can not get enough of this melancholy wistful ballad that Anya Marina wrote for the New Moon soundtrack! I am blissfully floating away channeling Bella tonight- swaying to the strummy guitar riff. (Seriously have listened to it at least seven consecutive times while typing this blog.) somehow makes Bella's destroyed heart swell sweetly. "I'll be true to you no matter what you do". Oh Bella...

What do you think- better than DCFC's Meet Me At The Equinox? Anya has my vote for best single so far.

BC Out!

Teenage Dirtbag

Oddly intrigued...

Teenage Dirtbag

BC Out!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jake's been keeping Bella warm on set

WOOHOO!!!!! If you didn't know, the Eclipse tent scene is my favorite in the entire series. So pumped it's been shot!! Oh! Happy 40th b-day, David! We all love you- and not just for the generous Tweetage...well, not totally because of that. LOL

BC Out!

New Moon Merch Recap

I thought I'd put together a mini TWI merch recap since I stumbled upon a few gems in Hot Topic today.

Can we talk about how much I'm loving this non-face-on-my-boob design? Also love the quote on the back. I'm a huge advocate of jazzing up shirt backs- I hate when they're plain. Available at Hot Topic .

These dolls- sorry action figures (I can only imagine what sort of "action" they're getting post purchase.) are all available at Hot Topic . Kudos Alice and Jake for being promoted to action figure status!

This is actually my fav find so far. If I were still in school and/or in need of a USB drive I would be on in a second to purchase this bad boy.

And of course there are numerous calendars and board games I won't rehash here. (Check old posts for dets.) So much TWI so little time...

BC Out!

I wish I spoke/read Spanish

Here are some goodies from the New Moon Spainish website. (BTW if anyone has the link to that site please let me know.)

Judging by the fact that Bella has her headband in (e.g. not crazy depressoid yet) Melissa Rosenberg must've added in a dream catcher b-day gift from Jacob to the screenplay. That will definitely come in handy for Bells later...

Hmm, what scene could this be? Maybe when Bella demands the vote- walking to the Cullen house?? I think so cuz Bella looks wicked tired and Edward is quiet stern faced.

Aw, I feel like Bella's breaking Jake's poor furry heart here. Must be when he returns the motorcycle maybe??

BC Out!

New Moon Rising at AMC Theaters

AMC theaters is already phasing into New Moon (like that pun? LOL) Check out the cup which you can get for an extra 50 cents. The other pics are of the mats on the countertop.

Are they seriously going to force us to buy Vitamin Water to get this cup? At least it's healthy, I guess??

Wow, someone really earned their paycheck coming up with this one. LOL I can pretty much guarantee the pack isn't chugging Vwater and vampires don't eat/drink human food. Duh! LOL

EEEKKKSSSS, 53 days!!!

BC Out!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Twilight Birth Control

I didn't post the photo in the BLOG due to serious spoilage attached, but if you want the giggles shaken out of you check my ”Twilight Saga Fanmade Goodies” Myspace Photo Album for THE FUNNIEST picture EVER!

The photo is of a familiar pink rectangle that some Cullen- I don't care which one(Alice?!)- but some Cullen should have packed for Bella before she sailed off to Isle Esme and all its wonders.

SPOILER ALERT- If you haven't read Breaking Dawn, don't look! Sorry, but you really should be ashamed if you haven't finished BD. Just sayin'...

BC Out!

Why is the Volvo Black??!!

Some quality Eclipse set photos for you to suck on, but I'm still miffed the Volvo is black now. I know it doesn't really matter, but- NO! It does frickin' matter! "Stupid shiny SILVER Volvo owner", remember?!?! They better work some cinematography magic to make that damn car silver or I'm goin' all Volturi on someone's ass. Sorry David, it may be you.

They're trusting Rob to drive??? LOL
Oops, Rob breaking character to coiffure the bouffant LOL J/K Rob! We all know how important those bronze locks are to your vampirical alter ego. Edward made you do it, right?

BC Out!

New Moon Illustrated Companion

Check out a preview of the New Moon Illustrated Companion from E!. I see Paul frontin' up on Bella, some pack'd out Jake and my new fav pic of our lovers frolicking... Love that innocent 1900's look they've got goin' on. Very Bright Star - which BTW comes out this Friday!

BC Out!

When in Rome- Get New Moon Preview!

If you were planning on taking your annual trip to Rome (like me) in November so you could watch the Volturi lay down the law in Volterra (I'm kidding! I'm not going.) time for a change of plans. News just surfaced- straight from Summit's celestrial mouth- that new footage of New Moon will be showcased at the Rome Film Festival in October. Can't wait for that bootleg wonder!

Story reported by

OK, “Twilight” fans, the question is this: Will you be packing your bags for Italy?
The Internet
has been buzzing for a day with different rumors about unseen “New Moon” footage possibly being screened at the International Rome Film Festival in October. Many fan sites have speculated about what would be screened, how much would be shown, who would be there, and when.

A Summit Entertainment spokesperson came to Gossip Cop with answers:
- There will be an event on October 22 at the Rome Film Festival like there was last year, and the studio will screen some footage like the Comic-Con pieces and on-set b-roll.
- “There will probably be one ‘new’ scene [to be determined] just prior to talent introductions and audience Q&A,” says the spokesperson.
- The rep went on to say that Summit “will have more details in the coming days.” And we’ll be right here to let you in on them.
- Now, as for who will be there? We’re told among those likely to attend are Melissa Rosenberg, Cameron Bright, Jamie Campbell Bower, and Charlie Bewley.
So that’s what we know. Keep it tuned to Gossip Cop for breaking details, and remember to follow us on Twitter: @GossipCop.

Bc Out!

Transmission from MARS Jared napping in a coffin...? And is Tomo playing a recorder circa fourth grade style? Suitably bizarre/intriguing. God, I missed 30Seconds to Mars and Jared crazy antics! I'll see you at the echelon uprising November 24th.

Provehito in Altum = II O

BC Out!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The (SNL) Host With The Most

I have a wedding in Indiana this weekend, but I know where I'll be sneaking off to at 11:30pm. My girl crush Megan Fox is hosting SNL and there's no way I won't be scamming a peek with the kitchen stuff on the 8 incher in the side station in between cocktails. Luckily DVR will once again save my over scheduled butt from missing what's truly important in life- celebrities and sexually laced skit comedy.

BC Out!

Is Jackson Rathbone hurt??!!

AshleyMGreeneJust got off set.... Jackson seems like he's ok thank God.... can't believe he came to work today! He's a trooper :) from Sidekick

Uh oh, hope Jackson isn't hurt! Kinda makes you remember he's only human- not a Cullen. Damn.

BC Out!

Which 'Eclipse' scene is the from??

I love this BTS image, but what Eclipse (possibly NM) scene could it be from??? My only guess (and it's a stretch) is the "Anne of Green Gables" vision Bella has of how Edward was as a human. My first instinct was to think it was the first hunting trip in Book 3 of Breaking Dawn because it's a blue dress and they're in the forest running, but then reality set in. They're not filming BD right now. (Duh!) Plus, the vest kind of gives Edward away as a 1900's bloke. Big question mark here, but I love to see the two frolicking LOL

Which scene do you guys think this is? I know we can figure it out if we work together!

Bc Out!

Baby's Puttin' a Ring on It!

Fabulous homage to the most unsung heroes of pop of 2009 Christopher Stewart,Terius Nash,Kuk Harrell. These song writers are the real talent behind Single Ladies! (Aside, of course, from the choreographer, JaQuel Knight)

If this baby doesn't grow up to be a MTV nominated choreographer there is no justice in this world. The boys got serious gyration skills at, what, 20 months?! I can't take credit for this find though. That honor goes to peterfacinelli. (Man's a Tweeting machine!) My only question: what's with the white towelette? Is that an homage to his Gymboree homeys?

BC Out!

Changing my mind about the Bella wig

Okay, so after seeing this picture of Kristen, Gil Birmingham and Taylor that I got off his
Facebook I may be changing my mind about the infamous Bella wig... It actually looks kind of pretty here the way it waves past her shoulders. What do you guys think?

Bc Out!

Stephenie Meyer does it again

Stephenie Meyer's golden cinematic touch continues. The Host is being optioned for a film. For those of you who haven't read the dictionary sized sci-fi follow up to Breaking Dawn (seriously, the woman can't write a short book), the novel follows Wanderer who is a "soul" inhabiting a less than cooperative body.

Now, I am by no means a sci-fi fan and I liked this book. Really the only thing Sci about it is that she asks you to accept that aliens in the form of tiny, silvery souls (think glittery jellies) have inhabited all (well, almost all) the humans on earth to create a peaceful planet. Wanderer is inserted into Melanie who is so deeply in love with her man Jared that she resists the souls presence- refusing to let Wanderer take her body. Big no no!

NEwho, it's pretty good, and I'm sure will secure Stephenie as a Best-seller turned film evoker in no time. Below is straight from .

September 23, 2009
Hey guys, great news! The Host is on its way to the big screen: "Twilight's Meyer..."

I'm so excited to be working with Nick Weschler, and Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz to bring The Host to a visual format. They've all been a dream to work with, so lovely and collaborative, and I feel like we're in a really good place to make a great movie together. And then to have Andrew Niccol writing and directing? Truly awesome. If you've never seen Gattaca, go watch it now. One of my favorite movies of all time. It's such a great example of character driven science fiction, which is ideal for The Host, no? I'm having an absolute blast imagining different dream casts, which I would post if people didn't take my silly blogs so seriously these days. I'm looking forward to seeing the cast lists you come up with in the fansite forums, and if any of them match mine.

So, very exciting. Yay Host!


BC Out!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tweetastic Tuesday

Looky who's joined Twitter. It was confirmed that this is Ashley Greene's official Twitter from none other than Peter Fachinelli. So, I'm trusting it. Make sure you add my fav character to your Twitterverse.

BC Out!

Why Don't I Live in LA???

This is why I need to live in LA. Bummer I'll miss it, but you luck So Calers can legally stalk Megan for me.

BC Out!

I LOVE EW (and Joe Lynch!)

If you saw Jennifer's Body as I vehemently urged last weekend, you've been singing 'Through the Trees' in the shower ever since. I apologize if that's just me (but I'm willing to bet it's not), but I've been going crazy trying to get the scoop on Low Shoulder, the demonically homicidal band in the movie. The search was proving fruitless, so I turned to my Bible for guidance...EW. Sure enough, they (well, Joe Lynch) answered my plead within one hour! Love them!

So, the skinny is that "Low Shoulder" is actually a California band called Test Your Reflex . I'm pretty sure they were Adam Brody's "agents of Satan, with really awesome haircuts" in Body. They have one album called 'The Burning Hour'.

Sway to the anthem and allow yourself to forget the scene where they slice Megan Fox into gushy pieces.

All praise EW (and Joe Lynch)!
BC Out!

New Perspective

Here's a tasty macabre treat for a Forksy Tuesday. Evidently you can't say "go down on me" on Perhaps someday the same standards will be held for MTV itself... nah.

New Perspective- Panic at the Disco

BC Out!

Sparkly Vamps in the 'Couve!

More David Slade Tweetage. Can't say it enough: Love him!!

Twitpic: On set behind the scenes.
Is that Nikki & Kellan? Fight scenes???

BC Out!

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Felt Guilty- more photos

Okay, so, it just felt wrong to not post all the New Moon BTS photos. Here's the rest- I felt guilty withholding.

Two Bellas?!!? How could I not share this?

It must've been wicked cold in that warehouse or wherever they are cuz everyone is bundled to the max. Look at that crew guy's hat.

Aw, look at those topaz eyes...

He looks "bothered." HAHA

Ooo, kinda creepy there.

The hotness of Jake (sorry Taylor) in the ET forest again.

I love this one. Silhouette is so pretty.

Again, here you go- round three. :)

Uh oh, bad dreams on there way...

Recognize the robe? The wolf pack had them on in the last round of BTS pics. Guess it's set standard OR Bella's shackin' up with the pack. HAHA

Weird seeing Chris as director. I started to get used to David.

Aw, Rob must be thinking of me in this one.

I have a feeling these dreams are gonna be eerie.

And scene.

BC Out!

Behind the Scenes Photogasm

Holy behind the scenes photogasm!!! Sooo many more New Moon BTS photos in my MySpace albums. Check 'em out here . Yea! Photos and the soundtrack list in the span of, like, five minutes. Xtra Giddy Girlish today :)

I love how Kristen is taking a "lunch break" (or something- check out the blankey and snack) here LOL

Wolves, bed in woods, Edward- dream sequence maybe??? Duh, Yes! this has to be the dreams.

Does this boy ever stop working out?!? NOT complaining. PS is it just me or does this forest look like the ET ride at Universal Studios? HAHA

HOLY GOD! TAYLOR!!! (Excuse me while I wipe the drool.) Again, HOLY GOD!

Aw, Kristen looks so pretty here. Must be the fact that she's looking up at Taylor the Magnificent up there!

Sorry Rob, I know you must hate this pick (lip gloss and all- cue Rob's comments from Twilight commentary), but I had to post it.

BC Out!