Friday, July 17, 2009

New Official New Moon Movie Still

Check out this new New Moon movie still. You can cut the sexual tension with a fang (sorry I had to pun away). Who else is hella psyched for the almost kitchen kiss??? I don't think I've ever been more excited for Summer to be over. Bring on the cold weather as long as the wolves are there to keep me warm.

FYI I am not TEAM Jacob but when I see all this NM stuff I waver on the side of Switzerland...until BD comes out that is LOL. Then it's Isle Esme or bust. Just me and Edward. Who am I kidding? It's always Isle Esme or bust LOL.

Added Bonus: Check out Alice in Volterra w/her Porsche 911. Look at all those cloaked extras. CAN't WAIT!!!

BC Out!

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