Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kristen describes Edward apparitions in NM

So, I know I've been all TWI (or New Moon to more precise) all the time lately, but you can blame Comic-Con for that. So much much-anticipated material and interviews came out last week in San D. I apologize to any male readers and/or non-Twilights that are getting sick of seeing Taylor sans shirt and Rob's and Chris Weitz's bromance blossom, but this post isn't going to alleviate your pain much.

Kristen Stewart describes the much hyped Edward apparitions in NM to MTV in this vid. From what I saw in the motorcycle scene that debuted at C-Con (otherwise known as Jacob's striptease.) they're going to be creep-tastic!!!

I like how Kris and Rob both have said that Bella is the true hero in the saga. (Of course those of us who have finished all four books really know.) It's true. She's the strong one. As much as I love him, Edward is so self-loathing and weak he leaves the love of his existence. Bella's much stronger than she appears on the surface people! I'm going to have to spearhead a Team Bella campaign cuz she rocks!

Anyone who can not only survive all that she goes through, but become the hero over and over is a kickass chick in my book ;} Go Team Bella!!!

BC Out!

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