Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lost is sooo played

Okay, I must preface this post by saying I am a former Lost-er. Watching the Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle develop used to be my fav TV-related activity...BUT

As a member of the self-created Lost Anonymous Group or LAG for those of us who just couldn’t make it through the plot U-turns. Come on guys…time travel? I must say I find myself going through Sawyer withdrawl.

This prompted a visit to ABC’s website where I stumbled upon “LOST Untangled”, a video rundown of the show. Seriously…? This is exactly why I quit watching. I mean do we honestly need a show in our lives that forces us to undergo online tutorials? This girl thinks not.

I’d rather spend my time ogling shirtless Josh Holloway pics. Speaking of which there’s a serious lack of them on ABCs site- Google it and enjoy! (Why is he always wet and/or sweaty/dirty…wait do I care?!)
BC Out!

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